Health and Safety Statement

Midlands Asbestos Solution is committed to high standards of Health and Safety throughout and it is our policy to create a working environment that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, free from risks that could effect any persons.

In accordance with the Health and Safety at work act, 1974, Section 2 (3), it is the policy of Midlands Asbestos Solutions to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety while at work of all employees and contractors and the safety of un-authorised visitors and members of the public entering the site of Midlands Asbestos Solutions. The successful implementation of this policy requires the full support and active cooperation of all employees of Midlands Asbestos Solutions.

Midlands Asbestos Solutions are responsible for complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and wherever reasonably practicable will:

  • Maintain a safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities and arrangements.
  • Provide extensive information, training and supervision ensuring the health and safety at work of every employee.
  • Maintain plant and systems of work that are safe and without risks.
  • Maintain the working environment in a safe condition minimalising any risks to health.
  • Ensure that all new and existing activities are subject to risk assessment.

All employees are expected to accept their responsibilities to work safely, to follow company health and safety policy, and report any unsafe acts or conditions to D Skinner. Director of Midlands Asbestos Solutions Ltd.

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