What Are The Rules for Removing Asbestos?

Asbestos regulations exist to protect people from the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. When materials containing asbestos are disturbed, microscopic fibres can become airborne and, if inhaled, lodge deep within the lungs. This can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.

That’s why understanding and complying with the rules for removing asbestos is crucial for anyone who owns, manages, or works on buildings likely to contain asbestos. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the essential rules for removing asbestos safely and legally to ensure the safety of those who are at risk of being exposed to asbestos.

What are the current asbestos removal regulations?

The UK’s primary legislation for asbestos is the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 which sets out the legal requirements for managing and working with asbestos-containing materials.

A key concept of these regulations is the responsibilities of the “duty holder.” This person or organisation has the ultimate responsibility for managing asbestos risks within a property, including assessing the risk, creating and implementing an asbestos management plan, ensuring proper training for anyone likely to encounter asbestos-containing materials, and, if necessary, the safe removal and legal removal and disposal of asbestos.

It’s important for duty holders to be aware of their responsibilities and, if they’re unsure on how to comply with the regulations, they should seek professional advice from established and trusted company’s, like Midlands Asbestos Removal (MAS).

Can I remove asbestos myself?

Undertaking DIY asbestos removal is illegal and poses serious risks to your health. While it may be tempting to handle asbestos removal yourself, especially for seemingly minor tasks, it’s important to remember that disturbing asbestos-containing materials can release dangerous fibres into the air.

The safe and legal handling and removal of asbestos requires specialist training and equipment, along with the correct accreditation, certification, and licenses. Attempting to handle or remove asbestos yourself without the proper training and equipment can increase your risk of fibre inhalation and contamination, resulting in potential serious health consequences decades after exposure.

Who can remove asbestos in the UK?

In the UK, the rules for asbestos removal are strictly regulated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), or the local authority, to ensure compliance and mitigate the associated health risks to the public. As mentioned, asbestos should only be handled, removed, and disposed of by specialists that have the necessary expertise, equipment, and certification. This therefore means that only licensed professionals, like MAS, are permitted to handle and dispose of asbestos.

This is because licensed contractors undergo rigorous assessments by the HSE or local authority to demonstrate their competence in safely handling, removing, and disposing of asbestos-containing materials. Those who have been found to have breached asbestos regulations can potentially face enforcement notices and even prosecutions in some serious cases.

As per asbestos regulations, it’s the duty holder’s responsibility to ensure they speak to a licensed contractor who will adhere to all regulations and dispose of the asbestos waste responsibly at a licensed facility.

How to get asbestos removed

If you suspect you have asbestos in your property, the first thing you should do is speak to a licensed asbestos contractor, like MAS. We’ll conduct an asbestos survey to identify, locate, and assess the suspected asbestos-containing materials so we can determine the most appropriate asbestos management plan.

When removing asbestos-containing materials from your property, we will do so to the highest of standards and in accordance with asbestos regulations. Our specialists have the necessary knowledge, experience, and legal authorisation to safely remove asbestos. Once the asbestos removal is complete, we will dispose of the asbestos waste at a licensed facility, adhering to all relevant regulations to prevent environmental contamination.

If you’re a duty holder, it’s essential you communicate openly with the contractor and ensure they understand your concerns and requirements fully. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek clarification on procedures, and ensure you receive a comprehensive waste transfer note that documents the proper disposal of the asbestos waste.

Learn more about our asbestos removal services

It’s clear to see that the rules for removing asbestos is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Removing asbestos is a critical process that should not only be handled with care and in compliance with regulations, but also by a licensed professional to mitigate asbestos inhalation and contamination, reducing the risk of serious health risks in the future.

If you have any concerns regarding potential asbestos-containing materials in your property, or you’re looking for professional asbestos removal, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. At Midlands Asbestos Solutions, we have over 30 years of experience in providing a wide range of asbestos services for commercial and domestic properties across the UK.

Asbestos removal FAQs

Is asbestos removal regulated?

Yes, asbestos removal is subject to strict standards set as per the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Licensed contractors also follow guidelines set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in order to protect workers, occupants, and the environment.

Can homeowners remove asbestos themselves?

DIY asbestos removal is illegal and should not be done due to the significant health risk it poses. While it may seem tempting to remove asbestos yourself, without the proper training, equipment, or licenses, it can lead to severe respiratory issues if you inhale asbestos fibres and can result in serious consequences if the asbestos isn’t disposed of legally.

What should I do if I accidentally disturb asbestos in my home?

If you think you’ve disturbed asbestos in your home, make sure you stop work immediately and leave the area to avoid any further disturbance. Contact a licensed asbestos contractor, like MAS, or the HSE for expert guidance on how to manage the situation.