What is Mesothelioma?

Have you heard of the asbestos related cancer called Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which is developed in the outer surface lining of some of the body’s crucial organs, mainly the lungs (known as Pleural Mesothelioma) but it can also affect the lining of the stomach (known as Peritoneal Mesothelioma), testicles or heart.

Mesothelioma is nearly always caused due to exposure to asbestos fibres which are a group of minerals comprising of microscopic fibres that were widespread in the construction industry which has since been under a blanket ban by the United Kingdom as of 1999.

These microscopic fibres can easily get in the lungs where they become lodged and over the years cause damage and form into a cancer, known as Mesothelioma.

Each year in the United Kingdom, over 2,600 individuals are diagnosed with this condition, mostly in the age bracket between 60-80 due to the fact that that the symptoms develop over a number of years so it’s not commonly detected early in the condition.

Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by various different tests from your GP and or hospital such as an X-Ray, CT Scan or via a thoracoscopy or laparoscopy.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure to mesothelioma but there are treatments available to help control and relieve the symptoms associated with the illness.

Symptoms which are synonymous with Mesothelioma include:

Mesothelioma in the lining of the lungs

  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • fatigue (extreme tiredness)
  • a high temperature (fever) and sweating, particularly at night
  • a persistent cough
  • loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
  • clubbed (swollen) fingertips

Mesothelioma in the lining of the tummy

  • tummy pain or swelling
  • feeling or being sick
  • loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
  • diarrhoea or constipation

Source: NHS – Mesothelioma

Just because you have asbestos in your home, it doesn’t mean that you are of an immediate risk to Mesothelioma, and it’s perfectly safe to live and work around asbestos, providing that the material is in an undamaged and managed state.

There is plenty of support available for those diagnosed with Mesothelioma, or with friends or family who are, see the below websites for more information:

If you have any concerns or queries about asbestos in your home or business, then please get in touch with us on 0115 932 6521, via our enquiry form or send us an email on [email protected]